Google & Yahoo! as displayed on mobile phones

Friday, July 2, 2010

How much do you know about SMS?

SMS means "Short Message Service". The original specifications for SMS were developed in 1985. It is commonly referred to as text messaging or "texting" as well.

SMS is available on digital GSM networks allowing text messages of up to 140 English characters to be sent and received via the network to a mobile phone, or from the Internet, using a so-called "SMS gateway" website. If the phone is powered off or out of range, messages are stored in the network and are delivered at the next opportunity.

SMS use for personal communication is rapidly increasing in popularity. In 2000, less than 20 billion SMS messages were sent; by 2004 that number had grown to in excess of 500 billion messages.

Source: Wisegeek , HKSMS, DevX

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Pros & Cons of Mobile Marketing - SMS

Delivery of SMS text messages can be tracked while that SMS campaign can be monitored in real time. Nike can judge consumer response immediately and change with two-way messaging capability.

Extremely Effective
Consumers need to opt-in to receive mobile marketing messages, people trust the source of the message and more likely to get back to the message.

Cost-effective & Affordable
Mobile marketing effectively reduces the production and distribution cost of marketing messages.

Can Develop New Market
Mobile Marketing is strong to cross all demographic, location and phone call limitations.

Great for Customer Retention & Added-value Service
The SMS campaign can create a loyalty environment for Nike to keep their customers.

Nike is wary of consumer privacy issues.

Mobile Marketing is Fragmented & Complex
Many different handsets and carriers, different types of functionality, and different preloaded apps (i.e. Google Maps on iPhone).

Let's share a video about the Pros & Cons of Mobile Marketing.

Source: Clickatell, Search Engine Land, YouTube